Thursday, April 23, 2009

For those chilly spring mornings

For all you knitters with just a tech of too much chicken love, here's the pattern.
We particularly like the Monet dining room-at-Giverny color scheme this bird has going.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

No cages PLUS green toys!

These cool chicken videos come from, which has a link on the right. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who talks to my chickens.

Cage-free eggs at McDonald's?

Yes if the Humane Society has its way, Gourmet blog reports.

Aloha, Oy!

I thought I was getting punk'd when I walked past a hedge in the parking lot of a CVS on Big Pine Key in Florida, and heard a rooster crow from inside. I got down on my hands and knees to look, and sure enough, there was a rooster and a hen tucked inside a tightly-branched boxwood.

Chickens are all over the Keys, apparently, not just famously in Key West. Now it appears there's another island with a similar fate. The Wall Street Journal reports on poultry problems in Paradise.